I have enjoyed sweets almost all my life, okay my whole entire life. Now, when I say sweets I generally mean chocolate. Throughout all the high’s and the low’s chocolate has been there for me. When I started to transition being vegan, I quickly realized that chocolate would be there no more. SIKE. When I say chocolate is my love, I certainly do mean dark chocolate. The delicious dark chocolate that I consume is 100% vegan! You know why? All dark chocolate is vegan. That is right, even eliminating all dairy I am still able to enjoy what I love most. Chocolate. Okay, I do love peanut M&M’s as well, but that is a whole other story. Now, if you are saying or thinking that dark chocolate disgust, screw off (kidding). However, there are always other alternatives for your sweets! Such as gummy bears and worms! Sour or sweet they are vegan. Oh, I hate dark chocolate and gummies. Okay: Twizzlers, Jolly Ranchers, Mamba Fruit Chews, Sour Patch Kids, Skittles, Swedish Fish (?), Wonka Fund Dip, Smarties, and Sweet Tarts. That is a list which is not even completed, but a list that may help you realize it is not the end of your sweet tooth. I will tell you right now that I could not have become vegan without being able to enjoy my sweets. Ice cream is your jam? Look no further than almost every grocer and of course go support Ben and Jerry’s dairy free lines. There are others like Halo Top, but the amount of social work Ben and Jerry’s does just go ahead and give them your support. Accept the few extra calories and feel good in your tummy and soul while making a difference. In the end, life still goes on for me and I still eat delicious sweets almost every day. I have a serious sweet tooth, ask my dentist. Pu Peace J
